Spanish permanent residence

lucia lagunas reyes - Our Spanish permanent residence lawyer expert

If you intend to reside within Spain for an extended period or even permanently, you will have to obtain Spanish citizenship or a permanent Spanish residency permit. Consider the following example: You have been living in Spain for one or two years. Your student visa and work permit may have been approved, or you may have been granted a regular permanent residence permit. However, based on your enjoyment of life here, you wish to extend the duration of your residency for a more extended period. What are your options? Is your student visa required to be renewed every year? Is it also possible to restore a non-lucrative visa every two years if you possess a Spain permanent residence permit? No, that is not the case for either question. As soon as you have remained in the country for five years, you can acquire a permanent residency permit, and then you do not have to reapply. In the long run, you will become a legal resident in Spain. However, how should it be done?

What is permanent residency in spain for non eu citizens?

It is called a permanent residence if non-European Union citizens have lived continuously in Spain for five years and have obtained a residency card indefinitely. You can renew these residency cards every five years. Spanish nationality gives a person the right to live and work in Spain as an employee or self-employed individual, regardless of what nation you were born in. Those living in countries not in the EU are not eligible for this card. The holder of this visa can also travel abroad without concern for legal repercussions for six months. You can add a whole year to this period during the five years of valid residency. During the five years, you have to stay in Spain. You are only allowed to remain outside of Spain for a total of one year.

How to apply for permanent residency in Spain?

To get a permanent residency permit in Spain, what steps must be taken? Consider a recent immigrant who has a first Spain permanent residence permit, which is a fairly straightforward answer. She has been working and living in the country legally for one year after obtaining her first permit. These types of authorizations are referred to as Spain permanent residence permits and work permits. Once the residency permit expires, she will have to renew it for the following two years. After the two years are up (so she will have been in Spain for three years), she will have to renew for two more years, ending up with five years lived in Spain. It will be at precisely that moment when she receives her permanent residency. Permits do not automatically renew at renewal time. She will need a permanent residency card (a new type of residency) to remain in the country for five years. The renewal doesn’t have to be made between the two. There are a few essential considerations to keep in mind. Some years in Spain count more than others.

spain permanent residency
new rules for residency in spain

Spain requires five years of residency to obtain permanent residency. It is often the case depending upon the type of Spain permanent residence permit you have. You will need to have remained in the country for more than five years if you have been studying in Spain continuously under your student visa for six consecutive years. As an employee, you switch over to a regular work permits after one year of a standard work permit. You may more accurately describe the addition as seven. The calculation for permanent residency, however, is not affected. Only four years is the maximum stay (half that of a student visa). As a result, you will need to wait another year for your permanent residency permit to be approved. You can avoid mistakes by following these tips. A “residence certificate” may be obtained at the Police Department. You will need to present your name and how long you have lived in the country as a student or resident to receive this certificate. You will know exactly how much time is left before you can apply for permanent residency once it has been stamped and signed by the police.

Permanent Residency or Citizenship

The EU permits permanent residency holders to keep their passports and nationality. Many benefits are available to Spain’s permanent residents as well. Various requirements must, however, be met. Finances are essential for your well-being. There are limited-time limits on travel within the EU, but you can extend that with permission. However, unless you are exempt, you must give up your original citizenship and passport if you become a citizen of Spain. Having the same rights as a citizen of Spain means that you have the same liberties and protections as others. Additionally, you will be able to move freely within an EU country once you become a Spanish citizen of the European Union. In addition to local elections, European elections are also held.

Applying for Permanent Residency

spain permanent residence
spain permanent residence requirements

When it comes to the application form and requirements, it isn’t difficult to obtain permanent residency. You might view this as a reward after living in the country for the past five years. Your criminal record must be clean, you must not have returned to Spain voluntarily, and you must have lived in Spain for the past five years uninterrupted. A copy of your rental contract could prove your point. Your tax returns and payroll records will also be required to verify your employment in the country.

Make sure you restore your permit at least 60 days before it expires. Often bureaucracy can derail the process, and things may not go as planned. It would help if you, therefore, acted as soon as possible. They will send the approval letter within three months of submitting the necessary residency application form and documents. Once your fingerprints are cleared, a police officer will assign you a guard. Your permanent residency will be issued five years after returning to the Police Office with your passport and prior residency card.

An EU long-term residency permit can be acquired by non-EU citizens who have lived in Spain for five uninterrupted years. Their stay in Spain is indefinite, and they may work and live there as they would as Spanish citizens. To qualify for a Spanish visa, an applicant must demonstrate sufficient financial resources, such as a pension, scholarship, or salary, to support themselves and their families. In Spain, you will also need to show proof of your health insurance. In Spain, you have the right to work and utilize Spanish social services and benefits if you possess the proper permit. EU citizens cannot stay longer than three months in another member state. The duration of the license may be longer if it is a special permit. The Blue Card of a second EU country and having lived in that country for at least the same amount of time may also qualify you for long-term residency in Spain. Before you can apply, you must live in the country for at least two years. If you wish to reside in Spain with an EU long-term residency permit, you must give up your long-term residency in another country. You will also have to apply for a long-term Spain permanent residence permit with the Foreigner’s Office (Oficina de Extranjeros) in Spain.

Can I become a temporary resident in Spain?

spain permanent residency
spain permanent residence card

Temporary residence permits are valid for up to five years and allow the holder to stay in Spain for longer than 90 days. Authorizations may be extended periodically upon request by the holder, depending on the conditions surrounding their issuance. In what ways can a temporary residence permit be obtained? Initial authorization for temporary residence can be granted to foreign nationals whose means of subsistence are sufficient for them and their family members, if applicable. Spain’s current legislation sets forth the procedures and requirements for getting a residency permit and a work permit so that self-employed individuals or employees can be gainfully employed in Spain. To apply for this permit, individuals who have resided in Spain previously need not meet the requirements for a Spain permanent residence permit.

How can I legally live in Spain?

Spanish residency is generally obtained through employment. Additionally, people from countries outside the European Union may take advantage of this option. In another EU citizen, getting a residency permit is much easier since there are no specific steps involved. Spanish citizenship will become available in 2021 to non-EU countries wishing to study or work in Spain. Students who obtain study visas usually have them for the duration of their studies, which can be short- (between three and nine months) or long-term (between two and four years). If the student is studying at the same educational institution before their visa expires, it may be extended. In Spain, permits are renewed without leaving the country. The student may also apply for a TIE (foreign entity card, foreigner’s identity card) if he or she intends to reside in Spain for at least nine months.

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Foreign nationals entering Spain must sign a contract of employment before the entry process begins. The country also offers different types of work visas. Seasonal work visas, au pair work permits, long-term work permits, and the European Union Blue Card are available. For workers from non-EU countries to be able to obtain a work visa, an employer must conduct specific operations before hiring them. Ideally, the work must be for a high-paying job and on the list of hard-to-find jobs. Obtaining residency in Spain also requires meeting a number of requirements.

How much money do you need to get residency in Spain?

High net worth individuals and entrepreneurs can apply for residency status in Spain through specific programs. Those looking to invest substantially in Spain can take advantage of the Golden Visa Scheme, which is open to foreign investors from non-EU countries. The second program is the Wealth Visa Program, which is designed for high-net-worth individuals who do not want to work in Spain. Golden Visa applicants must also meet many other requirements, in addition to the investment requirement. Unblemished criminal records and health insurance are essential. An applicant must also show that they are capable of supporting themselves for the long term. Applicants who receive Golden Visas may relocate to Spain together with a family member. Those who wish to settle permanently in Spain can also apply for a Wealth Visa. There is a lower income requirement as the applicant must earn at least 2,200 euros per month for this type of permit. Applicants’ families can move to Spain with them, but 500 Euros per month is required in advance for each dependent.

Family Roots Visa

This Spain permanent residence permits are available to children born in Spain or whose parents were born in Spain. Among the documents are copies of the Spanish family’s birth certificates and a record of no criminal activity. A consulate’s requirements might be different from that of another consulate, which creates a problem. Nonetheless, there is a necessary requirement here. Citizens of Spain or another European country are the only ones who can apply for extended family status. Hence, we recommend applying for citizenship sooner rather than later. You cannot bring your family along without it.

As long as six family members reside in the same household, citizens of Spain and the EU may regroup their families as a result of this regulation. So, it now includes family members we could not bring to Spanish territory before and could never have before. A law that specifies which relations may enter the country under the extended procedure does not exist. It is possible to reunite families as part of the family reunification process. Alternatively, a family is defined as an extended family when members are not required to be first cousins.

Exemptions to the 10-year Rules

spain permanent residency
spain permanent residence by investment

In general, most refugees who arrive in Spain within the next five years will be eligible to apply for citizenship. Particular groups of people are not subject to the requirement, such as Spanish-Americans, Andorrans, Filipinos, Equatorial Guineans, Portuguese, and Sephardic Jews. You can automatically become a citizen of Spain if you were born to a legal resident foreigner in Spain who has lived there for at least a year. The Spanish can be married, divorced, widowed, have a child or grandchild who is a Spanish citizen, and even be the mother of the child. This rule still applies to those born to non-Spanish citizens (either by birth or residence outside of Spain) who are born to Spanish parents. There are also options for descendants of expelled Sephardi Jews to apply for citizenship without the need to settle in Spain. In order to prove that they are Spanish-speaking citizens, they will have to pass tests on Spanish language and Spanish history.

Spanish Citizenship by Marriage

It is very easy to obtain the citizenship of Spain if you are married to a citizen of Spain and you have lived in Spain for a year. It is necessary to follow the standard procedure of citizenship application while applying for citizenship in the United States. The applicant does not have to wait ten years before they can be considered for the program. You can become a Spaniard by renunciating your current citizenship right now and by gaining a Spanish one in the future. In the case of widows and widowers seeking citizenship in Spain, this can also be done by them. Nevertheless, it is essential to remember that there must have been someone present when the deceased passed away.

Dual  citizenship Nationality

The King will require you to swear allegiance to him if your bid is successful. Also, as a foreigner in Spain, you have to abide by the laws and constitution of Spain. In addition to renunciation your previous nationality, you will also need to renounce your previous citizenship unless you come from a Spanish-American country, Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea, or Portugal. Moreover, Sephardic Jews and their descendants are also allowed to maintain their original citizenship so as to maintain dual citizenship. If you reside out of Spain for over three years and obtain the citizenship of another country during that time, your Spanish citizenship will cease to exist. For those who are accustomed to using their previous nationality during that time period, the same applies. If you declare that you wish to retain your Spanish nationality under this time frame, the only exception is if you state that to the Civil Registry.

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British Ex-pats in Spain

If the UK were to leave the EU, there are no guarantees that expats living in Spain would have protection after the UK leaves. 400,000 British citizens living in Spain would be able to apply for resident status should Brexit occur without a deal. The current situation does not allow us to determine a clear method of doing so. There has been speculation that as early as 2020, foreign identity cards may be required. This would almost entirely eliminate the need for humans to participate in the process.

Apostilles and/or legalizations (the process of authenticating the documentation) should be done first on the documents from abroad before the documents can be recognized in Spain. If you would like professional translations performed by translators appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in your country, I advise you to contact the Spanish embassy/consulate in your country. Whenever necessary, our Spanish consulates or embassy can provide you with more information about the Spanish embassy or consulate in your country, so do not hesitate to get in touch with the Spanish consulate or embassy there.

FAQ Spain Permanent Residency

How can I get permanent residency in Spain?

You have to live legally with any visa for 5 years in Spain to obtain permanent residency, contact our lawyers and they will help you through the whole process.

How much money do I need to get residency in Spain?

You have to prove that you have the money to live in Spain without problems, we need to understand your situation to give you an exact figure, contact us.

Do you want to live in Spain?

Our law firm has more than 15 years of experience.

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What documents do I have to submit for a long term Spanish Residency permit?

Depending on your situation, one or more documents may be required for your immigration process, including those from the immigration office, for residing and working in Spain. Please contact us for more information.

34 thoughts on “Spanish permanent residence

  1. Nagi Guirguis |

    I have been in Spain on NLV for five years expiring June this year, during the five years i stayed the minimum time required 186 days a year and managed to renew the visa but now I want to apply for permanent visa but told that I should have only been away for 10 weeks during the five years, what can I do to continue staying in the country

    1. My Spain Visa |

      You must apply for the non-lucrative visa again. Since he is not entitled to obtain permanent residency in Spain, because he has been out of Spain for more than 10 months in the 5 years.

  2. George Prado |

    I would like to apply for a Golden Visa. I bought a condo in Estepona 2 years ago. I would like to live here.

    1. Anna - Lawyer of My Spain Visa |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to answer your questions about spain permanent residence.


  3. Mike |

    Thank you very much for the very clear and precise information, I hope one day to retire and obtain permanent residency in Spain.

  4. ajit p pandya |

    i am usa citizen and i want permenunt resident in spain how much usa doler need andmontheley income

    1. Anna |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to answer your questions about Spain permanent residence.


  5. Hannah |

    I have a five year residency (tie) card from a pareja de hecho that was annulled. I never replaced the original tie card with one that showed we were separated and I’d like to but I also have been out of Spain for five months (after living and working there for six years with short two week visits to the US). Can I apply for permanent residency?

    1. Anna |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to answer your questions about the spain permanent visa.


  6. A.M |


    I am a phd student (it is a work visa renewable annually) in Spain. I need to travel outside the EU for a 3 months internship. This will push the total time spent outside Spain before my PR application to more than 1 year. Can these 3 months be justified as work related travel and therefore not enter in the calculation of time spent outside Spain for the PR?


    1. Anna |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to answer your questions about Spain permanent residence.


  7. Joseph |

    I am going to apply for the PR in Spain. but our child was diagnosed moderate Autism. can we get the PR according to our condition? Thank you!

    1. Anna |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to answer your questions about Spain permanent residence.


  8. Tanzeela |

    I have 5 years Spanish residency card. What documents do I need to present for renewal of my card and how I can renew my card. should I need to take online appointment for this renewal as right now I’m not in Spain.

    1. Anna |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to answer your questions about Spain permanent residence.


  9. Eli S Rodriguez |


    I’m from Puerto Rico, was thinking on doing a 2-years master in Spain. If I’m a resident under student visa for 2 years, will I be able to apply for a citizenship? Or resident years are cut by half under student visa?

    1. Anna |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to answer your questions about spain permanent residence.


  10. David Simon Yohalem |

    My NIE is near expiration. I have lived in Spain for more than ten years. I am now 70 years old and retired. I receive pensions from Denmark and the UK. I am an American citizen. I have a certificate of empadranimiento and own my own home. What documents do I need to present to the Extranajeria in order to renew my NIE?

    1. Anna |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to answer your questions about spain permanent residence.


  11. Frank |

    Hello! When I have permanent residency in Spain, how many days in the year am I allowed to be outside the country?
    Thank you.

    1. Anna |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to answer your questions about spain permanent residency.


  12. J J Tuli |

    My fiancé is a Philipine citizen wishing to gain a Spanish passport under the two-year residency requirement. During the two years, how much time is my fiancé allowed to be out of the country (each time and total time)?

    1. Anna |

      J J Tuli,

      One of our lawyers will contact you to answer your questions about the Spain permanent residence.


  13. Roy |

    Living in spain (madrid ) for 4years under student visa. Can i apply for permanent residance ?
    Some are telling student visa counts half and some are telling full. In a big trouble

  14. Pyunik |

    I have 5 years spanish resident permit which I got through Pareja de Hecho,
    please let me know how I can renew my card without Pareja de Hecho.

    1. Anna |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to answer your questions about the Spain permanent residence.


  15. Kanika |

    My husband has 5 years of residence in Spain on work visa. We’re looking for an immigration lawyer to help us with getting a Spanish PR that is valid across Europe.

    Kindly contact me.

    1. Anna |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to answer your questions about the spain permanent residence.


  16. Theodwra Panteli |

    I’m a cypriot girl and i want to stay permanently in spain what do i need to do?

    1. Anna |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to explain about Spain permanent residency


  17. Jay |

    Dear team,

    I hope this email finds you well.

    I am a British passport holder, and have lived in Spain with rental contract for a year in 2020 as cross border worker in Gibraltar. However I haven’t applied for NIE or ID card in Spain. So I wonder if your team could help to apply a residency permit.

    Thank you in advance.


    1. Anna |


      One of our lawyers will contact you to explain about the permanent residency in Spain.


  18. Nsobya Amos |

    How many years can a permanent (community card holder be out of spain

    1. Anna |

      Hi Nsobya,

      One of our lawyers will contact you to explain the process.


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