Solicitors in Marbella

Are you searching for a reputable international law firm of reputable lawyers in Marbella? Contact our team today, and we will make sure your case is perfectly taken care of. If you want to buy a house, own property, or register properties as holiday rentals, our team can help.

Our team of highly experienced lawyers in Marbella has handled a wide range of cases before. We will help find someone with enough capacity to represent you in the court of law.

Do you have a legal procedure that our lawyers in Marbella could help you with?

Marbella Property Lawyers

Even if your case is about property conveyancing, our team can help you with that. If you are interested in purchasing land in Spain, we will ensure that you get assisted throughout the sale process.

Our team will conduct everything from legal searching to verifying the paperwork on your behalf. We also take care of commercial and corporate services. We will take care of things like utilities, chargers, taxes, draft contracts, and the legal situation of the property.

Our tax advisor has to explain to your how the process works and all the taxes involved in the sale. You will also be informed about all the taxes you will have to pay on completion of the sale process.

We will use our knowledge and many years of experience to ensure that the property is legal and free of any charges. As a client, we will inform you of the worth of a given property.

That way, you will know the amount of money you will pay from the start to the end of the process. After the sale process is complete, we will supply you with comprehensive transaction details.

If at all there is any balance in your favor, we have to make sure that you get it on time. Our solicitor Marbella Spain, can also help if you would like to sell your property.

Again our tax advisor will share with you the details about the taxes involved. That way, you will know the much you are supposed to pay in tax when selling your property. Most buyers will come with their solicitor Marbella, and we will argue with them.

You can be sure that our lawyers in Marbella will represented you evert step of the way.

Law firm Marbella Tax Services

There is a range of tax issues you might need help with, and we can assist you with all that. If you are an expat, we will assist you so that you don’t pay taxes twice. Our national and international services are there for a vast range of private individuals.

In some cases, we will have to sign some double taxation agreement with your origin country. The entire process is known as International Taxation. This process is important whether you are a Fiscal resident citizen or a Non-Fiscal resident.

Our experts offer legal services in the most effective way in Spain. They include Nonresident Tax, Form 720, Rental Income, Personal Income Tax advice, etc.

NIE Spain

Have you ever come across the NIE number in Spain? NIE number is the number used in Spain to identify foreigners. To complete some legal procedures, you will have to apply for the NIE number.

For example, you will need the NIE number to buy a house, or even to open a bank account in Spain. The Spanish Tax officer will use the number to identify you before offering their services.

It is important to note that attaining the NIE number doesn’t mean you have attained residency in Spain. You will need a different procedure to gain residency and pay your taxes in Spain. To avoid crossing the legal line, you must complete all the necessary procedures on time.

lawyers specializing in Golden VISA

The law entrepreneurs regulate the Spanish visa. This has been going on for many years. It is through this law that the Spanish government can provide non-EU citizens with residency. You will have to go through this process when buying property in Spain.

Note that to get residency, your property must cost at least €500,000, you can contact our lawyers in Marbella for more details on that. This is the kind of solution you need as an aspiring investor from non-EU countries. You can benefit from the program if you are from Arab Emirates, USA, Russia, or China.

Even if you have special conditions, you can buy property in places like Marbella, Malaga, Costa del Sol, and others.

We do all types of Spanish visas, student visa, non-lucrative visa, entrepreneur visa, renew golden visa, renew non lucrative visa…

Renting Out a Property

It is hard to rent out a property for short-term purposes. Such arrangements can only work for work purposes and leisure. Otherwise, you will have a hard time making such arrangements.

Long-term renting out of a property is very easy. It involves using such properties as homes. However, you must note Spanish national laws regulate long-term renting of properties. Also, there is existing regional legislation that might apply for short-term rending out of a property in Spain.

If you live in Andalucia and would like to rent out a property short-term, you must get a license. Besides that, anyone who rents out a property in Spain has tax obligations. But there are many factors to consider, whether you are a fiscal or non-fiscal resident.

To get more information on the same subject, be sure to see our Renting out property section.

We are like a business run by a small family. In that case, we know how best to deliver personalized services to our clients. We support individuals and companies by following up appointments and working with you from your first consultation.

Our team does this to seek the best solution for your problem and establish a long-term relationship. Note that some procedures have taxes attached to them, and they need some follow-up.

You should keep tabs on the latest changes in Spanish tax law. This will help you stay on the right side of corporate law and avoid hefty fines. If you subscribe to our newsletter today, we will be sure to share the latest changes as they become available.

Also, we will help you with the procedures even if you have never made any investment in Spain. Our solicitor Marbella is highly experienced and can help you with anything about Spanish law.

Why Hire Our Solicitor Marbella?

As an expat, you will face a lot of challenges when dealing with Spanish law. They range from language and cultural differences and some bureaucratic hurdles.

Note that based on the field of law you are dealing with, regulations will always vary from region to region. Regulations on Marbella, for instance, are different from those of Malaga.

As such, when dealing with real estate, you should know what to expect. From our solicitor Marbella, you can enjoy lots of benefits.

Our experts will interpret the legal terms of the contract at hand. Then translate the documents into your language, and ensure that transactions are completed. If you have any questions after the process, our lawyers in Marbella will issue you with detailed responses.

In Marbella, if you talk to us, we will assign a specialist the duty of taking care of your case. They will ensure that you get personalized advice throughout the process. In different areas, we have English speaking experts and can support you. They can also assist you with family law in Spain.

We have many lawyers in marbella spain who would be more than happy to help you with the real estate process. They have enough knowledge in a wide range of fields, so don’t be afraid to share your predicament with them.

Check out the list of individuals on our team and select someone whom you would be happy to work with. If you can’t choose for yourself, we would be more than happy to assist.

Why choose our law firm in Marbella?

We have a personalized treatment for our customers, we are with them at all times 7 days a week, marbella solicitors vélez-málaga

Closing Thoughts

Even if your case is about property conveyancing, our team can help you with that. If you want to buy land in Spain, our lawyers in Marbella will ensure that you get assisted throughout the sale process.

Our lawyers in Marbella will explain to you how the process works and all the taxes involved in the sale. You will also be informed about all the taxes you will have to pay on completion of the process.
You should keep tabs on the latest changes in Spanish tax law. This will help you stay on the right side of the law and avoid hefty fines. If you subscribe to our newsletter today besides that we offer legal services, we will be sure to share the latest changes as they become available.

Other My Spain Visa offices in Spain

We have many more offices in Spain, you can find our expert immigration law firms in this list: